Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mandalas - Mandalas (Self-released, 2013)

Hello friends. While you're awaiting my next post, I thought I would share with you another of my personal projects. Mandalas is an album my girlfriend and I recorded in 2009. All of our recordings were dangerously close to being lost on the same defunct laptop that held the tracks that would become my other album, Discoveries In A Brief Moment Of Clarity. Fortunately, I was able to salvage six tracks and put together this album. You can download it here or for free at our bandcamp page where you can stay tuned for more releases. We hope you like it.


  1. Hey there, I see I checked back with your blogs right on time.
    Didn't find any new gems on your folk blog, but bought Mandalas right away. If it's anywhere nearly as good as Discoveries, I'll love it. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Very nice albums! I like them both A LOT!
    Thank you for sharing them :)
